Rebuilding of the Jewish Temple

Prophecy tells us one of the events that kicks off The Great Tribulation is the signing of the “Covenant with the Many” by the Anti-Christ as stated in Daniel 9:27.

(Daniel 9:27)  And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease, and on a corner of the altar desolating abominations, even until the end. And that which was decreed shall be poured on the desolator.

It is a strong viewpoint that one of the greatest points of this Agreement for Israel is the ability for the Jewish people to rebuild their temple!

The components required to build, adorn and bring the temple to a be fully functional have been the work of The Temple Institute in Jerusalem.

Information below is from The Temple Institutes website,

Why build the Temple?

Why this fuss over an ancient, seemingly outdated concept? What relationship does the Holy Temple have to our world today? The people of Israel have lived without a Temple for nearly 2,000 years, and seem to be doing fine without one. We don’t seem to need it, and G-d certainly doesn’t, so why think about rebuilding?

The Torah’s commandments are eternal, for now and forever

Nothing can be further from the truth. Maimonides teaches (Sefer Igeret Ha’Shmad) that the performance of all the commandments are not dependent on the coming of the messiah. They are to be fulfilled at all times. G-d does not change His mind, or nullify any of the commandments included in the Torah, which were given once, for all time. In lieu of Temple service, we may observe various “remembrances” of these commandments, but that is all they are – merely gestures of nostalgia.