Where is there beauty in how we occupy our time, also where can we find this Beauty?

All things that were made, were made to be beautiful. On the sixth day of Creation God looked at everything that He had made and said that it was very good and after seeing that this was true He rested in on the Seventh. He now waits for us to join Him in the Beauty of His rest.

By Faith, He in Creation spoke out, and the Garden of the Lord was brought forth and it was Beautiful.

So then the beauty, lies within in our Faith, within Him, our Faith joins us with Him and in Him. He calls us in Christ, to meet with Him in His inner chamber, where all things have been made clean, cleansed by the shedding of Blood 🩸.

We, without the Law, have been made perfect, by a better covenant. The Blood shed for us was the Blood of a perfect Sacrifice, a Lamb 🐑 from God and a Sacrifice without any blemish!!! When this Sacrifice was made, it satisfied The Father, for the sin of “ All”!!! The Perfect sacrificed for the imperfect, satisfying the offense of a righteous God.

Christ our Lord became the final sacrifice, being found pleasing before His Father, making room for us as His Father’s adopted children.

This Sacrifice came in with a New and better Covenant, one that covered all of our past sins, and with blood shed from a completely broken and righteous Heart 💔 it also covered the sins of our future failings.

Why do we owe Him, Jesus Christ our Lord everything? Though if your mouth in reverence, should fail to be able to speak, your heart with His honor, will cry out, “I owe you everything even Life itself, my Lord and my God forever “!

We find the Beauty that is Him, and in Him, in and by our service to Him. Bringing our sheaves before us, rejoicing that He has chosen us to be His mouth and hands, until His return to sew up the fabric of the Time of this world, 🌎 making us His own. Then the final mystery will be revealed, as we walk with Him into the World to come, the one yet unseen. “He” is the Beauty and the Light 💡 of our World, and us in Him. We no longer walk in the ugliness of this now and passing world. “He is the Beauty” and the light of Life.

— Dan Omman