The following are coming crises. The horrible part is, these topics will go into effect nearly simultaneously, sending the world into a horrific state that it has never been in before. There are too many topics here to provide research on. All topics are searchable.

Use     for searching and don’t look at the answers that come up in the first 5 search results – the search engines are designed to hide the truth.

  • BRICS (a world financial cooperative initially between Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa)
  • CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
  • Financial Collapse
  • Bail-Ins
  • Destruction of the US Dollar as the worlds primary instrument of trade
  • Destruction of the PetroDollar after a 50 year run (a deal was cut with Saudi Arabia that in exchange for military protection from the US, all oil sales would be in the US Dollar). This arrangement ended in 2024
  • Destruction of fiat currencies worldwide
  • The worldwide banking collapse
  • The toxic debt from derivatives / credit default swaps
  • The collapse of the commercial real estate market
  • The collapse of the residential real estate market
  • The collapse of the auto industry / market
  • The failure of the electrical grid
  • The worldwide cyberattack
  • 15 Minute Cities
  • Pandemic 2.0
  • The roll-out of Martial Law
  • The tyrannical overreach of the WHO
  • The construction of detention camps worldwide