DONE is a book written by Pastor Cary Schmidt of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Connecticut.

The information below was copied from the website where you can purchase the DONE book.
Done, Second Edition: What most religions never tell you – by Cary Schmidt

If God was willing to sit down with you personally and allow you to air your questions, reason through your doubts, and pose any challenge—would you take Him up on His offer? Would you be willing to investigate His claims and understand His purposes? Would you be willing to believe Him?
This Second Edition of “Done” is the same clear gospel presentation that’s been trusted for 20 years, with expanded explanations on key points.

Buy the Paperback Book

Purchase the paperback at our store,, in two versions. Scripture quotations throughout the book in either King James Version (KJV) or English Standard Version (ESV). Bulk discounts are available.

Free PDF download

Download a free pdf ebook form in English (KJV, ESV), Spanish, Chinese and Romanian.

How does Emmanuel Baptist Church use “Done”?

We use the Done series as both an outreach tool and a class curriculum. Done is embedded onto our church website, and our church family uses a special outreach card with a QR code that links directly to the videos. In addition, our Starting Point class (the first step in our Growth Track discipleship series) uses the these videos as a part of the class curriculum.