JD Farag – Prophecy Update October 13, 2024

Who’s Behind the Evil That is Now Happening?

The future of mobile computing is an AI voice inside your head

How the mRNA Vax Attacks God’s Name in DNA

Dr. Richard Ruhling

The name of YHWH in your DNA

How the mRNA Vax Attacks God’s Name in DNA

Hebrew letters have numeric equivalents found in the bond sequences of DNA. Scholars know the letters yod, hey, vav, hey spell God’s name and they equal 10,5,6,5, a sequence found in the DNA double helix, but the sequence is changed by the vaccine.

JERUSALEMOct. 14, 2021PRLog — “Just as an author or creator of some literary masterpiece has his name attached to it, the Author and Creator of the universe put His name in our DNA which has the same numeric sequencing as the Hebrew letters of His name in original manuscripts of the Bible that helps us seen a broader picture,” says Dr. Richard Ruhling.

“The Bible reveals God as good, but one of His creation became proud of his abilities and thought he didn’t need God, so he managed a rebellion with others to whom God had given the freedom of choice. God wants our praise, only if we give it freely, not to be beaten out of us with a big stick, so He allowed the devil to show if his plan of “do your own thing” would work,” says Ruhling.

“There was war in heaven” and the devil was thrown to earth where he has access to everyone, (Rev 12:7-9) as he did to Adam and Eve when they chose to eat of the forbidden tree of “good and evil.” They failed their test of loyalty to God, and the test comes to all in the form of what is true and right. Those who lie, cheat, steal or kill are yielding themselves to the enemy and their destiny will not compare to those who live by God’s principles as revealed in the Bible, notes Ruhling and he continues…

The devil couldn’t destroy God, but he has worked to destroy His ID. Solomon built his temple dedicated to God’s name, but now, very few know the Creator’s name. Josephus said, “It consists of four vowels.” Wars of the Jews, Book 5, Chapter 5, Section 7.

“If we think about it, vowels are the music or melody of word sounds. If we only had consonants, we would be very limited in b,d,f,g,l,m etc. God lends us His name so we can even talk and we should praise Him. That’s what HallelUIA means. It’s an  international word meaning Praise IAUA in nearly every language,” as seen here, https://Godsname1stseal.wordpress.com/

More information on His name in DNA is here,

https://rumble.com/vn8u2q-the-name-of-yhwh-in-your-dna.html Ruhling offers more on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YJJSGYZ where readers can click the cover to “Look Inside” and read the Introduction, whether or not they buy the book.

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Revelation 9:1

October 13, 2024 • J.D. Farag

What Satan Doesn’t Want Christians To Know

Pastor JD talks about 7-characteristics concerning who the Devil really is and how he seeks to keep Christians living in ignorance.

Albert Einstein

“Condemnation before investigation, is the highest form of ignorance.”

Albert Einstein